Monday, May 24, 2010

My dirty little secret...

I have a confession.... I am in love with acquiring books; I'm a book junkie. See my bookcase...yep I have yet to read ANY of those books. All of those books once fit into 3 (!!) bookcases. I've spent a large chunk of my morning combining all 3 cases into one, and this is what I've come up with. Each shelf is stacked to the rafters. And there is still another shelf not even pictured! I'm in shock. I thought I loved to read?! Apparently my ambition out weighed my free time.

A year ago, Bob and I decided to get Kindles (Amazon's e-book reader.) I love my Kindle! It holds a crazy number of books, all right at my finger tips. I can download all these books in my overstuffed bookcase and many, many more and not have to go to Target to get another bookcase.

So what is to become of all my books? DI? No, to quick and dirty. Doorprizes? Possibly. If you come over to my house, you might just leave with 3 or 4 books. Now that's an idea! will let me post all of these books on their website and when another swaper need any of my books, I just mail it to them. Paperbackswap then give me a credit that I can use to order another book. I'll start building Oaklee's library! But first I have to post each of these books to*sigh*
Lesson learned: you reap what you sow.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Ooo, I want to check them out! Hastings in Ogden buys used books. They give you a pretty good deal too.