Friday, November 5, 2010

Stickin' it to the man!

I've always been a fan of good deals. It feel almost rebelious; General Mills say "Pay $4.00 for our cereal" and I say "No FREAKING way!" I'm just discovering my inner rebel. I've always known coupons could save you bucket loads on everyday things, but I never caught on to it. Well with the recent activities from some of my friends, I've decided to revisit couponing. My friend couponed her way from $200 in groceries clear down to $20. The woman in line behind her was so impressed, she offered to pay for her groceries. WWHHAAAA!?!? Sign me up! Couponing takes dedication, motivation, and time. It's like any other hobby. So I've gone out and got my 2" binder, baseball card protector sheets and scissors. I'm ready!

So today was my first trip couponing. Let me just say, there is a learning curve. This is what I learned today...
#1 - ALWAYS give the Smith's checker your reward card!! I didn't and I overpaid about $13 >:( I'm sick about it!
#2 - Read your coupons carefully. I didn't and I spent twice what I should have on spaghetti >:(
#3- Winco isn't much cheaper than the other stores...
#4- Target checkers are the BEST!! I made a mistake and gave the checker 2 of the same coupon and she caught it, but let me have the second coupon anyway! :D

Despite all the frustration, I only overspend my budget by $3. I got a $5 Target gift card and 2 free boxes of Ritz crakers (an Oaklee staple).
I'm going to keep this up. We usually spend $200 a month in groceries. If I could cut that budget in half, it would change our finances greatly! It would mean and extra $1200 a year! I'm thinking a new t.v. (on sale of course)


Leisel said...

OK where do you learn how to save that much? When I try couponing, I only end up saving about 10% off the grocery bill, and it's saved buying something I never would have bought in the first place. I would LOVE to save on things I actually use.

Tracy said...

I love couponing!!!!! Go to and enter g84cac, then what store you want to shop at. They do all the work for you and you just decide what you want. BTW, Rite-Aid is amazing with coupons (I have 6 packs of diapers downstairs that I spent less than $3 on!).

Amanda said...

The friends I've talked to (the ones that save outrageous amounts of money) use certain websites that tell you what coupon to use and how to use it. Like
I have a friend that says she only uses 1/4 of the coupons she clips and she usually ends up giving a lot of her food to the homeless shelter. She says its her way of giving back. You definetly can't be brand loyal and a couponer!