Saturday, November 6, 2010

You did WHAT with your green tomatos?!

Bob loves to garden. It reminds him of his childhood and his grandfather. Every year we plant a vegetable garden and we always plant at least two different species of tomatoes.
We always get a high yield, which means we always end up with loads of green tomatoes by the end of the growing season. We throw away so many green tomatoes.

My mother-in-law gave me this brilliant recipe that will solve my green tomato dilemma. Turn my tomatoes into raspberry jam! That's right raspberry jam.

Tonight I made 4 pints of freezer jam with my green tomatoes. Doesn't it look like real raspberry jam? And guess what, it taste like it too!

Intrigued? Wanna know the secret?

Good ol' Jello. Its so simple. You can find the recipe HERE. Now go get jammin'!


Tracy said...

I was wondering what "mock raspberry jam" was. Very clever!

Megan said...

I want to make some with you next year. We really are doing a garden next year. I hope.

Brad and Mo Petersen said...

I made some of the jam last week too! So fun!