Monday, March 28, 2011

The inner rambling of an optomistic fat chick: Part 1

I hate exercise. I do not enjoy being sweaty and sore. I do not get the endorphin rush, I get tired. But I like the idea of what exercise can do for me.

This is me 9 years ago. I know, right?! I was lookin' pretty dang good! If you have forgotten what I look like today, scroll up. You will be hard pressed to find a recent full body picture of me.

What happened? I got comfortable. Less than a year after this photo was taken, I married a wonderful guy that promised to love me no matter what. And trust me, he's kept his promise! We started eating like everyday was a weekend. To add insult to injury, we were broke (still are just smarter about it) and we all know fattening food is cheaper than healthy food. Because we were in a bad way financially, I got depressed and self-medicated with yummy, salty food. Grandma was right, eating junk does catch up to you!

6 years after my wedded bliss, I had a beautiful baby. Despite my OB's promise of "easily" returning to my pre-pregnancy weight, I still get asked when I'm due. Yeah, trying explaining that your new born baby is 2!

Today, I'm grossly overweight. That stupid BMI chart says I'm "obese." The delusional child in my mind says, "No, that 400 lb woman on tv is obese, not you!" But the numbers don't lie. What the numbers say is I've seriously let myself go and I am finally sick of it. I've set out on a skinny girl quest. Not "skinny" like society thinks I should be. I'm fully aware that I will never be a size 2. Did you see my hips when I was skinny? Not, happening! And you know what, I'm okay with that. I what to be my own skinny. I want to be able to not feel self-conscious in what I wear. I want to look good again! Oh yeah, and the healthy side effects are good too. I won't lie, I'm getting skinny for vain reasons. So I've written out my workout plan for the next 3 months. This includes training for a 5k. This is a new arena for me. Even when I was skinny, I was NOT a runner. But I have seen a correlation between running and thin people. Most skinnies I know run. I want to be a skinny, so I'm going to run. I'm going to fake a love for running until I love running. I'm also staying away from the drive-up windows. I love them, but apparently they don't love me back! That's my grand plan. Kinda sound silly and simple, I know, but I think most things we undertake in life are 80% mental and 20% physical. So off I go to start the first day of the rest of my life...


Mechelle said...

You sound like you are doin' it right! Stick to your plan, it is a good one. I can predict your success through cyberspace because I hear your head running the show. Good luck! You can do it!

Jennie said...

Good for you Amanda! Just saying it out loud like this is half the battle. I agree with exercise being mental. I also know it is a lot about the food you eat. I don't know the exact percentage, but I would dare say it is close to 80% food. Killer huh! I love junk food too. Logon to It will help you track your food. That way you know where you are at all times of the day. You will see results.

Oh, and I agree with running. It does suck. But, it is a challenge and it helps me feel better after I do it. Start slow. See if you can run at 5.0 on the treadmill for 2 minutes. Work up from there. It is easy to get discouraged, but you can do this thing!!! Can't wait to hear about your journey. Love you!

Brad and Mo Petersen said...

I SO SO So So LOVE this post! You basically wrote my life story (except you wrote it a lot better than I ever could). You're so witty! Love it ! Anyways, I wish you all the luck in the world and good carma and whatever else you need your way! Mind over body right??? (that's what I tell myself anyway). Happy Running to you!

Courtney said...

I love it! So simple, you can do it! That is my new quest as well, I just want to feel better. Good luck and keep truckin