Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Review: The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage

Before I read this book I knew that Bob and I had a great marriage. We have never had any big fights, we agree on pretty much everything, we talk all the time, and a bunch of other fantastic "things" that just aren't any of your business ;)

So why did I read this book? Because I believe that I still have room for improvement.

The first simple aha! moment was, "What? Love isn't about what I want?" I learned that love isn't a feeling, it's an action.

My other aha! moment was that women pretty much control the mood of the house. If I want a positive, happy, loving household then I need to be positive, happy, and loving. I have to set the pace and my husband will follow.

Dr. Laura taught me to appreciate the profound difference between men and women. Men are geared for action; they want to fix problems. I married a MAN and as such I should not expect him to act like my girlfriends. So for me to get disappointed when I perceive that he "doesn't care about what I say" now seems silly. I know he cares; he cares like a man and not like a woman. On the flip side, Bob expected to marry a real woman. Not a whiny, self-absorbed little girl that wants nothing but flowery oozing attention.

Dr. Laura also taught me a new word - altruistic, the principle or practice of unselfish concern or devotion for the welfare of others. If we give altruistic love we will get it returned 10 fold. Whining and being manipulative is childish. Giving of myself, especially when I don't feel like it, is the great gift I can give my husband and child.

There is so much more that I could quote. To sum up, Bob makes the living and I make the life worth living.

Count me as one of the Dr. Laura faithfuls!