Thursday, April 21, 2011

Caution: Tantrums imminent!

I love these big, blue eyes. However, when they look at me like this, I know that I've got to put my "tough mom" death-dart protecting armor on.
This little girl has grown an opinion about her food. I give her everything she asked for at breakfast, and still I get this look and then the wailing and sobbing begin. I don't even know why she's throwing a tantrum (besides the fact that she's two!) All I hear through the sobs are "Mama, lucky (yucky) toast!" I explained (HA!) to her that she asked for peanut butter toast for breakfast and if she didn't want it, I'd give it to the dogs." She thought some more and then the wailing began again. Finally after 15 minutes of my ignoring her and her acting her age, she had one last request...

A "pahnoon", she wanted to eat her toast with a spoon. And she did eat every last crumb of her toast and even her banana with a spoon.

Its the simple things that make breakfast happy.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

She screams and cries like that because she is a girl and therefore, crazy. Don't expect it to stop when she turns 3 or 4 or 5... I guess all we can do is still love them:)

The picture made me laugh because I get that same look from Alyssa at least a few times a day.